Tuesday, June 4, 2013

VOTE for Angel! Merman of the Month!!

That's right! Kiddies! Vote for Angel The Little Merman for Merman of the Month! It's easy as slicing a Key Lime Pie! Just visit the Merman Minerals facebook page and look for the picture below and simply like! The winner will be announce in July 1st!https://www.facebook.com/pages/Merman-Minerals/117515955025498

Angel The Little Merman in his first interview!!

The new product Merman Minerals from the makers of the organic health care product Mermaid Minerals had launch their new blog post on to their website in honor to the merman in the community! And guess who got their interview post?http://mermaidminerals.com/mermaids/2013/merman-on-stage-interview-with-angel-the-little-merman